Category: General


I ROCK AT CTK – During the week of March 7-11 students will be challenged to demonstrate character traits of perseverance. When teachers spot students demonstrating these characteristics, they will earn BRAG TAGS and have a chance to win a limited edition I ROCK BRACELET! GO CTK!

The following are the characteristics that will be highlighted this week:

Black Heritage Month at CTK

  • FEB 9 – Dwayne Morgan –  Student Presentations – Everyday Excellence – This is his signature talk which focuses on change, choice, and self-love. Motivational in nature, Everyday Excellence challenges students to critique their thoughts and decision-making to take hold of their potential. In February, issues around race are woven into the presentation.
  • FEB 15 – Dwayne Morgan –
  • ... Continue reading "Black Heritage Month at CTK"

Halloween-a-thon 2021

The Halloween-a-thon is back!  Students will have some fun time dancing in the gym (scheduled by class), creating spooktacular decorated pumpkins, and other fun activities.  

This year our goal is to raise $13,500.00 in pledges and we NEED YOUR HELP! By fundraising and donating to your school, you can earn raffle tickets and win great prizes!! The more you raise, the more chances ... Continue reading "Halloween-a-thon 2021"