
News Stories

Halloween-a-thon 2021

The Halloween-a-thon is back!  Students will have some fun time dancing in the gym (scheduled by class), creating spooktacular decorated pumpkins, and other fun activities.  

This year our goal is to raise $13,500.00 in pledges and we NEED YOUR HELP! By fundraising and donating to your school, you can earn raffle tickets and win great prizes!! The more you raise, the more chances ... Continue reading "Halloween-a-thon 2021"

Weekly Challenges – Videos – Watch them here!

In order to stay connected during distance learning the CTK Community is  engaging in weekly challenges.  These are posted on our morning announcements and Twitter.  If you missed it, or simply would like to watch them again, here they are:

Christ the King is an amazing place to be.  Even though we are physically distant, we are still a community who cares for ... Continue reading "Weekly Challenges – Videos – Watch them here!"